
Make a Monthly Gift

Help us ensure we can help animals when needed! Make a gift to us.

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The best way to help animals is with a monthly donation. This helps us plan who we can save for the next month. When we receive good monthly donations, we can take in animals that may have a substantial financial impact on our organization, the ones that have been hit by cars or suffered severe neglect.

Monthly Giving is Easy!

We’ve put together some of the most commonly asked questions below about how our program works.

Absolutely! The folks over at Givebutter are amazing and will happily help you! Just go to https://givebutter.com/contact and they can assist you!

You certainly can, and we were happy to have you while you were with us. You can manage your donations any time at Givebutter, and if you have any questions, just message https://givebutter.com/contact

Absoutely. With every transaction, including a monthly donation, our system will automatically give a receipt. This will include our EIN. Furthermore, at the end of the year, we will provide you with a Giving Report!

Your card will be charged the day you originally donate, and then that date each month going forward.